The guys over at put together a great post, listing the items they have in their soccer bag for a Sunday morning soccer league game. I personally have a few pairs of cleats, my slip in shin guards, Chelsea Leather food and my wash bag! Pretty simple really. Luckily for me, I get my cleats for free so my number is probably not as high as the normal player. But when it comes down to it, no matter the amount you have to pay, when you cross that white line onto the field it is all worth it! I spent last year traveling 2 hours to and from practice (LA to
Ventura) and I never once complained about the fact that I had to do it, or the fact that I had to pay for gas. In the end, I was blessed to be able to play at a great level, in front of large crowds and in the end win a
PDL National
Check out the amateur footballers
kitbag here.
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